Things to Do in Puerto Rico
Hot tropical climate. The temperature varies little throughout the year. The average temperature in the winter is 73°F, and 85°F in the summer. |
Puerto Rico is where four centuries of Spanish Caribbean culture comes face to face with the American convenience store. This leads to some strange juxtapositions - parking lots and plazas, freeways and fountains, skyscrapers and shanties - but it's all apiece with the Caribbean's hybrid history.
Puerto Rico is 100 long by 35 miles wide and as a result of its geographical position in the center of the arc of the Antilles, Puerto Rico is essentially a crossroads of Hispanic and Anglo cultures. Despite it's very diverse influx of cultures, Puerto Rico has been a part of the United States since 1898 and Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.
Since the first humans came ashore thousands of years ago, the island that is now known as Puerto Rico has sheltered Indians, Spaniards, Africans and Anglos. The Spaniards had the earliest and greatest influence to the Island at their arrival in 1493. During their 400-year tenure the Spaniards laid the bedrock of the language and culture. They built cities and towns, fortresses and churches, lighthouses and roadways. They brought slaves from Africa to work in the fields, who, in turn, contributed the spice of their culture, enriching the language, music and diets.
Close to 4 million people live on the "Island of Enchantment," with more than a million in the greater San Juan metropolitan area alone. It is a vibrant, modern, bilingual, multicultural society, one that has been molded by Spanish, African, Indian and U.S. influences. Residents of Puerto Rico have much in common with their fellow Americans in the continental United States, yet they retain a decidedly Hispanic heritage.
The climate is as close to perfect as it can get, averaging 83°F (22.7°C) in the winter and 85°F (29.4°C) in the summer. In other words, it's always summer! The trade winds cool the coastal towns and the temperature decreases as you go up into the higher mountains.
Puerto Rico is in the Atlantic Time Zone, but does not observe Daylight Savings Time. The island uses standard U.S. electric current. European appliances require an adapter.
There are no customs duties on articles bought in Puerto Rico and taken to the U.S. mainland. Major credit cards are accepted at most businesses, and ATMs connected to major US and international networks are easy to find.
Business hours are similar to those on the mainland, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM weekdays (the siesta has pretty much disappeared). Most stores are open Saturdays, and all of the larger towns have shopping malls that are open evenings and Sundays.
Old San Juan & Metro Area
...The Center of Art, architecture, culture, shopping and fun. Old San Juan is the second oldest city in the New World. The history becomes visible as you pleasantly walk through the finest art galleries, museums, churches, plazas, cozy little cafes…; you will feel like in an epoch movie.
Porta del Sol
Adventurous Souls are destined to visit "Porta del Sol"
Its active, exotic, natural, and… Relaxing! Beaches, biking, deep sea fishing, golf, horseback riding, kayaking, scuba, windsurfing and surfing...You named it!
Porta Caribe
"Gateway to the Carribbean", Porta Caribe region is just on top and facing the Caribbean Sea. Its colonial towns are rich on history and native culture. You can’t miss the charm on its towns’ plazas, churches and historical buildings, and nice little piers.
East Region
We invite you to explore luxury resorts and small Caribbean boutiques at East. Offering refreshingly unique comfort for body and soul, East coast of Puerto Rico and its small Islands: Culebra and Vieques are naturally aligned together to bring visitors a real encounter with the simplicity, casual and subtle privacy of the Caribbean Ocean surroundings.
Central Region (La Montaňa)
The Central Region is also known as “The Mountain”. It is house to La Cordillera Central (center mountain chain) giving to its towns a distinctive, unique aspect.
Discover phenomenal forests, San Cristobal “Grand Canyon”, the mysterious Indian Ceremonial Center, among other amazing attractions of the Central Region.
North Region
From north-west coast to San Juan, and facing the Atlantic Ocean, ten towns form the North Region. Its particular characteristics are those of a diversify economy. The north Region is also the region of: manufacturing, cattle and pharmaceutical world class industries. This region also offers magnificent natural attractions as the Camuy Caverns, and scientific technology as the world’s largest Radio Telescope.